C 語言練習程式(7) -- 直接改變陣列內容&利用指標達成回傳型態轉換 -- 指標相關程式集錦(6)

Posted by nathan2009729 on 2022-09-12

此篇為Pointers in C Programming A Modern Approach to Memory Management, Recursive Data Structures, Strings, and Arrays這本書第六章筆記其之一。



int compact0(int n, int array[n])
  int m = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (array[i] > 0)
      array[m++] = array[i];
  return m;

int eratosthenes(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  for (int i = 0; i*i < n - 2; i++) {
    if (buf[i] == 0) continue;
    int p = buf[i];
    for (int j = p*p; j < n; j += p) {
      buf[j - 2] = 0;

  // Compact
  return compact0(n - 2, buf);



int *sieve_candidates_(int *from, int *to, int p)
  int *output = from;
  for (int *input = from ; input < to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;
  return output;

int eratosthenes__(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  int *candidates = buf;
  int *end = buf + n - 2;
  while (candidates < end) {
    int p = *candidates++; // Get prime and move it
    end = sieve_candidates_(candidates, end, p);

  return end - buf;


  for (int *input = from ; input < to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;



假設目前p==2,*input==5,那麼目前的ouput在3這個位置上。*output++ = *input;這句話,會讓ouput往前一格跑到4上面,接下來*input的值會取代4。接下來的值都是以此類推。


void sieve_candidates__(int **from, int **to)
  int p = *(*from)++;
  int *output = *from;
  for (int *input = *from ; input < *to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;
  *to = output;

int eratosthenes___(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  int *candidates = buf;
  int *end = buf + n - 2;
  while (candidates < end) {
    sieve_candidates__(&candidates, &end);

  return end - buf;


#include <stdio.h>

int compact0(int n, int array[n])
  int m = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (array[i] > 0)
      array[m++] = array[i];
  return m;

int eratosthenes(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  for (int i = 0; i*i < n - 2; i++) {
    if (buf[i] == 0) continue;
    int p = buf[i];
    for (int j = p*p; j < n; j += p) {
      buf[j - 2] = 0;

  // Compact
  return compact0(n - 2, buf);

void sieve_candidates(int **from, int **to, int p)
  int *output = *from;
  for (int *input = *from ; input < *to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;
  *to = output;

int eratosthenes_(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  int *candidates = buf;
  int *end = buf + n - 2;
  while (candidates < end) {
    int p = *candidates++; // Get prime and move it
    sieve_candidates(&candidates, &end, p);

  return end - buf;

int *sieve_candidates_(int *from, int *to, int p)
  int *output = from;
  for (int *input = from ; input < to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;
  return output;

int eratosthenes__(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  int *candidates = buf;
  int *end = buf + n - 2;
  while (candidates < end) {
    int p = *candidates++; // Get prime and move it
    end = sieve_candidates_(candidates, end, p);

  return end - buf;

void sieve_candidates__(int **from, int **to)
  int p = *(*from)++;
  int *output = *from;
  for (int *input = *from ; input < *to; input++) {
    if (*input % p != 0)
      *output++ = *input;
  *to = output;

int eratosthenes___(int n, int buf[n - 2])
  // Init
  for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
    buf[i - 2] = i;

  // Sieve
  int *candidates = buf;
  int *end = buf + n - 2;
  while (candidates < end) {
    sieve_candidates__(&candidates, &end);

  return end - buf;

void print_array(int *begin, int *end)
  while (begin < end) {
    printf("%d ", *begin++);

int main(void)
  int n = 100;
  int buf[n - 2];

  int m = eratosthenes(n, buf);
  print_array(buf, buf + m);
  m = eratosthenes_(n, buf);
  print_array(buf, buf + m);
  m = eratosthenes__(n, buf);
  print_array(buf, buf + m);
  m = eratosthenes___(n, buf);
  print_array(buf, buf + m);

  return 0;

#c pointer #return type

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